Sophie Bierens de Haan
2 min readJul 9, 2021


The Singing that keeps me balanced

It’s taken me a few days to land since returning from Gillian Gingell Wormley ‘s Red Shoe Red Hat workshop in Winsham. During the weekend, because of my 60th birthday, I had more messages from family and friends than usual. The grey cool weather kept me away from spending hours in the garden soaking the heat, daydreaming and drafting written responses. So still fuelled by the trust and friendship we had in Winsham I found myself compelled to actually call people back there and then to listen to what they had to say. That’s when I found out things have not all been rosy for them lately, with many more news of poor health and death in the past year or two than I had ever been aware previously. Although I could feel my levels of anxiety rising during the week, I am also deeply excited at the prospect of keeping channels of communication more open in the future. I am so grateful for the way we engage with our singing with Gillian and the others in Virtually Vocalise it’s teaching us a lot more than singing. It’s giving me the courage to engage in life more. I’m not one to make a big fuss on celebrating birthdays but this one feels important after all!

Photograph courtesy of Isabella and Zsa Fisher

